Friday, January 2, 2009

Rest of week 15 & week 16

I hope that all of you had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year's! I am getting back into teacher-mode updating our blog- I miss my darlings! Can't wait to hear about all the new toys and games that they received from Santa :)
I am going to finish week 15 on Thursday December 11- we changed things up a bit. O from the PM class was going out of town and wouldn't be able to be a part of our Winter party so I switched the lessons and they had their party early. AM class talked about the color green- we played with our green (and red too) playdough, learned how to make green with yellow and blue fingerpaint and then we painted our green pine trees and decorated them with "ornaments".
In the afternoon, we had a special snack, made some ornaments to put on our trees at home and played Jingo- the Christmas version of Bingo.
For week 16, we talked about different construction vehicles and what they do. We also finished up Little Jack Horner nursery rhyme with making our puppets. We also had stamped your wrapping paper for your gifts.
On Wednesday, we talked about all the holidays around the world- Hanukkah, Las Posadas, Diwali, Kwanzaa, St. Lucia, and Christmas. It was cool to see how they celebrate this season throughout the world. We also played dreidel and math menorah.
On Thursday, it just flip flop the schedule above. AM class did the Winter party projects- Thank you to Kirsten and Lisa for coming and helping me out! The PM class talked all about the color green.
I am looking forward to a wonderful 2009! Can't wait to see all of you on Tuesday!!!

Week 15 pictures

Week 16 pictures

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