Friday, May 22, 2009

Our last few weeks...

We just had our Preschool graduation today and I am so glad that it turned out so well. Too fun to see how much these sweet children have grown! Here is what we have done this month!

Tuesday May 5th- SHAPES day. We played Hullaboolu, worked on our last "All about me" sheet and had fun identifying all the shapes around the room. We also celebrate both of the N's birthdays- N.B. was celebrating his real birthday and N.A. was celebrating his "unbirthday" because his is in August!
Wednesday was our sun safety and water play day. I made 50 water balloons, set up the slip and slide and we played water games in the back. Mr. J was there to help- I think he had as much fun just watching all the fun the boys were having. We also talked about the sun and ways to protect ourselves!
Thursday the 7th was our colors day. We talked about each color and how to make them. We played with a rainbow assortment of playdough and did some color worksheets.

Tuesday the 12th was numbers day. We sang our numeral song, read Chicka Chicka 1,2,3 and made our numbers poster for our rooms. We also finished Little Boy Blue- our last nursery rhyme of the year!
Wednesday the 13th was games day. G brought Memory and we also played Candyland, and You to the Rescue (Horton hears a Who game). We also played games outside- the most favorite place for the boys :)
Thursday the 14th we celebrated D's birthday with Krispy Kremes- yummy! It was also alphabet review day. We continued to practice for graduation, we made posters with the alphabet stamps and invitation for our graduation to give to family. We also watched Here comes the ABC's- a video of music that we have been listening to during the year. We danced and enjoyed our time together!

Our last week- Tuesday the 19th was our last day of "school" with everyone! We practiced graduation program, had snacks and played their choice of games/maniputives. We also watched Signing Time- practice ABC's so the kids could practice signing. I also face painted and took pictures.
Wednesday was our last day with our small class. We practiced and reviewed the year. Worked on patterns and our alphabet.
Thursday was our class at the church for graduation. We played for the first bit then it was right to work with practicing. We had our snack and made our father's day gifts. We practiced through it again before moms came to pick up and say goodbye!

Graduation turned out so sweet! Hope all you know how much I love your kids! They are the sweetest and I have truly enjoyed and cherished the time I have had with them :) Miss Alisha

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