Saturday, September 6, 2008

our first week!

Our first week is already over- it went so quickly! I hope that your children enjoyed coming to Kinder-Tots. I have been looking forward to getting to know your children. It is amazing to see the growth and progression that these children make in two years- from teaching the basics to seeing them progress and move on to Kindergarten- this is an awesome job I have!
This week I hope you liked your picture and hand print frame and the book about school-have you had a chance to read it yet? I also thought that they looked adorable with their listening ears on :)
Tuesday, we talked about our school and what areas are okay to be in and not- for example, my playroom isn't somewhere we play during school time or going in the kitchen. On Wednesday we talked about our families and greandparents. I hope they will like the big hug cards that we made for Grandparents day and Thursday we talked about following the rules and what they are in class.
It was a great week and I look forward to many more ahead. We will see you Tuesday!
Reminder- book order due by Thursday the 11th!

1 comment:

{Quellie} said...

A.E. really enjoys your pre-school and asks every day when it will be time to go back! You're doing an awesome job and I can't thank you enough!!!