Monday, October 27, 2008

Week 8

Hello- here are some details from our week-
Tuesday the 21st we talked about triangles and discussed that they had three sides. Each child practiced drawing a triangle, we colored one and we made a page about how a flag can be a triangle. They also got their triangles to post up- hopefully with those in your home, they will be able to become more familiar with them.
Wednesday the 22nd we talked about our five senses and we did projects for each one. For taste, we tasted sweet, sour, salty and bitter items to see how our tongues work. For sight, we used magnifying glasses to see things with our eyes. With sound, we listened to a CD of all different noises to figure out what they were and with touch, we looked at different pictures and figured out how they would feel. Lastly, on smell, we had a variety of cups that had different items in them that we could smell-some good, some not so good :) Then we made our 5 senses books to take home.
Thursday the 23rd we had a fairy tale day. We read the story of the Princess and the pea. Afterwards, we counted pompom peas and also discussed the different sizes of them. We also read the great enormous carrot-just a story about helping one another. Then we colored the characters in the story.
We met the letter "E" this week through Ella Elephant in her exercise clothes. I think that the kids are starting to grasp sounds and signs- I will always practice individually with the letter of the week on Thursday. I might have them try to do one or two on their own- especially my four year olds who are going to Kindergarten next year, but my main goal with my young ones is improving on their fine motor-grasping the pencil correctly and learning how to use it.
I am planning on starting to work on names in January so we will continue with the preprinting activities until then.
I haven't been getting my camera out as often so we only have a few pictures from this week- I will be taking tons with costumes coming this next week :)

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