Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tuesday September 21st

We practiced the number 1. Each number we talk about will have a rhyme about a Kitten and her jar. We see what is in her jar and then we practice the number & we put stickers in the jar on our worksheets. These sheets will be placed in the binder at the end of the year for practice. When we do the number 2 and following numbers, I will be taking each child out of our play time to work on the number individually. There is no way that I can control 6 three year olds in teaching them the proper way to write the numbers. I will also do a small practice of the letters. My goal though this year is not that they can print each letter but to recognize them. Next year when their fine motor skills are strengthen then we will practice more of the letter printing.
We all introduced our first letter- “A”. We sang a song each day to practice the two sounds of “A”- short and long. We also learned the sign of the letter. We will be learning these each week. Ask your child what sound the letter makes and what the sign is. More practice out of class will only strengthen their skills. We read our “A” story about the adventures of Abby Alligator. We will read a story each Tuesday of the letter that we are learning.

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