Monday, October 18, 2010

Friday Oct 1- #3 day

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Friday-#3- Downstairs, we practiced printing the letter “A” again. We are getting better at tracing. If you like, have your child practice tracing at home. Not only does it help with them learning their letters, numbers and shapes they are also working their fine motor muscles which is just as important.
Upstairs, I had a puppet area with my table on its side so they could do a puppet show and we also had the animals out. We had to end that time early though because of loud behavior. For snack we had three types of snacks- Cheese goldfish, pretzel goldfish and pretzels with cheese in them with apple juice to drink. For our lesson we practiced the number three- I practiced with each child individually then we learned three in Spanish- tres. We also sang our numeral song and practiced our numbers in the air. For our art, we dot stamped three apples on a tree and gave a seal three balls to balance. For our “A” time, we found the word that began with “A” and then we finger painted our acorn tree. We placed our “A” acorns on the tree with Alvin Alligator at the trunk.

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