Monday, October 18, 2010

Thursday Oct 14th- #2 day

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Thursday: We worked on tracing then went upstairs to play with tinker toys, play food and puzzles. Our day was about the number two. During play time, I took each child aside to practice the printing of the number two. During Circle time, I talked with the kids the difference between a square and a rectangle. During class time, we had our Kitten and her jar poster. She had two apples in hers. We put 2 pumpkins in our jar to go along with the month and the color orange. We talked about how orange is made up of two colors. We practiced with scissors as we cut out our 2 balls for our worksheets. We glued them on then we colored them. I sent home the two hands worksheet for extra practice. We also sang the numeral song as we practiced the numbers in the air and we also learned that two is dos in Spanish. “D” was also practiced at the end of class with the sign and sound. We painted again with bingo dots to go along with “D”.

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