Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fri Oct 7th- Opposites: stop/go

We practiced the letter “F” downstairs and then I had a few forts set up to play with upstairs along with babies and puppets to play with. Our star helped with our circle time and we had the whole class pass of the poem of the month- I think it was too easy. So we started a new project- learning 5 little pumpkins song. This will be a cute one to have your child tell you and great for the season! We finished circle time- saying goodbye to Farrah Fox as well as practicing the sign and sounds to all the letters we have learned so far. After snack time, I read Froggy’s Halloween to go along with the letter “F” and then we did the opposites song to prep us for opposites day! We learned about the opposites stop and go and talked about where we see special signs that show us to do these things. The students then colored a traffic signal with the correct colors and then we went out to my driveway to play Stop and go with red and green paddles. Each child had a chance to be the signal- the kids had a lot of fun doing this activity. I made each child their own set of the color paddles so they can play stop and go at home with their family. For letter time, each student made a new frog friend with the letter “F”. I also stamped their hand with a little letter f. We also practiced patterns together with my new Halloween set- they are doing great! AM Class


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PM class


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