Friday, March 9, 2012

Mon Dec 12- snow and snowmen

We started our week with name practice and then played with cars and trucks on a mat, Mr. Potato Head, magnets and magnetic snowmen. I practiced the letter S with each student- it was a little simpler since we had learned the number 8 last week. Our star helped us with circle time. We found out that there is only 13 days until Christmas! We counted as slow as snails to 31 and then I introduced the students to our letter friend- Sally Seal. She likes to sail in her sailboat and do silly things. For “S” practice we slithered around like snakes and made our “S” sound. We also got our sign easy too this week. I shared only half the words that start with S because there were so many. We wiggled, ate snacks and then had show and tell. For our day of snow and snowmen, I read A Snowy Day which explains how snow is made and we talked about what you do in the snow. I also read Snowy Roley and then we made our snowmen puppets. For letter time, we read Snowy Roley and the story of the snowman who needed a new home. We practiced our sign and sound for the letter and I gave each child a stamp of the letter S on their hands.
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