Friday, March 9, 2012

Tuesday November 29-#5

My four year old class didn't meet on Monday because I had sick kids. The students started the week with name practice at the table to start and then went upstairs to play with the play food, nuts and bolts and puzzles. I pulled each child aside to work on the number 5 with them. They are progressing in their tracing. Molly helped with circle time review and we counted to 29 jumping as we did. We met our letter of the week- J and our letter friend Jaguar. We practiced the sound “ja”. Because this was the last day of the month, we practiced Little Miss Muffet one last time and all the students passed it off and got to pick their prizes out of the prize jar for memorizing it. December is almost here so I wanted to give the kids an opportunity to count up to Christmas with the Santa’s beard advent calendar. Each child colored Santa and I sent home 24 cotton balls for you to add one each day. I hope your child is enjoying doing this. For class time, I taught about the number 5. The class sang our numeral song up to five as we traced the numbers in the air and then we counted up to 5 in Spanish. We learned that cinco is 5 in Spanish. For our story I read 5 green and speckled frogs and on our practice sheet, we put 5 frogs in the jar. We also parked five cars- coloring each one after it has been pasted into its parking spot on the worksheet. Back on the floor, I talked about their fingers and toes and how they have 5 of each. To review the letter J, we practiced the sound and then I gave each child a stamp of J on their hands after they individually reviewed the sound with me. Then I read “Jaguar’s Jungleberry Jamboree” story. Afterwards, I had each child come and find a picture that starts with the letter J. Once we were done, we lined up and reviewed our names downstairs.

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