Friday, March 9, 2012

Wed Dec 7- #8

We started with scissor practice and the students played with magnets, tinker toys and littlest pet shop. I worked on the number 8 individually- this is a harder number to print. They also had to find 8 spots on the ladybug’s wings. They had to color the ones that did. Our star helped with circle time and learned number 8 is ocho- we practiced our Spanish numbers today. We practiced the sound and sign of the letter Z. During class time, we learned more about the number 8. We counted up to 8 in Spanish and English, and practiced the number 8 by walking on a tape in the shape of the number 8 on my floor. I really try to help the kids with this number in many ways to learn it because it isn’t easy. We also sang the numeral song going up to 8. At the table, we put 8 stars in the sky on a worksheet and then colored it. For letter time, I sent the Zach Zebra matching home for fun practice and we colored the Z printing page that we had completed on Monday. We also reviewed the sound and sign of the letter and each child got a stamp of the lowercase z on their hands.
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