Friday, March 9, 2012

Wed Jan 4- Opposites: noisy & quiet

We started our first day back with name practice-first and last! Then we played with my new magnetic dolls, duplos and puppets. I was taking each child aside and measuring their height to document it on their all about me pages. I also started to introduce our sight word program and talked to each of them about the words and books we would be starting to read. Each child practiced printing the sight word on a label in their folders and then I stamped the word on their hand. At calendar time we had a few changes. Our season, month and year had all changed and we talked about each one. We have been counting up to 20. We also started something I like to call blast off counting with our class counting from 10 down to 1 then we all blast off! They sure enjoy it. For letter time, we started to talk about our new adventure- reading. I have introduced the sight word “see” to the students as well as “Sam” as he will be the first friend that we meet in our reading books. They were all adamant in thinking that they can read but as we learning these sight words I think that it will become much easier to them. After circle time, we had our snacks and then we explored all of our new January books in the library area. I introduced our poem of the month and they really learned this one quick. Each child completed their all about me page for January and then we were on to our theme of the day- the opposites noisy and quiet. We first start with our opposites song and then I do a review with different opposites we find all around us. Then I brought out the fun stuff- instruments! Each child had a chance to play each one once- we each practiced the instruments noisily and then quietly. We made an observation that when we were playing at a noisy level we were shaking or playing the instruments hard but when we went down to the quieter levels, we played them soft and slowly. For letter time, we practiced all of the signs for the letters we have learned so far. We will be singing the ABCs while doing our signs at the end of the year. We will be practicing often to get ready.
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