This was a small class- three of our students were either sick or out of town. So Nya, Ethan and Ethan were my class. At table time, we worked with our scissors then upstairs we played with foam blocks and littlest pet shop. I practiced the letter J with each of the students. Nya was our star and she helped with our circle time activities. We met our letter friend- Jenny Jellyfish. He hangs out in a jar drinking her juice and also plays with her jack in the box. We practiced its sound and the sign for the letter.
Our class time was all about gratitude and what we are grateful for. I had each child tell me what things they are grateful for and we put them on our thankful turkey. We also read some books on gratitude. Afterwards, we colored two pages of our Brown turkey books.
For “J” time, we talked about some things that start with J. Jackson was so excited that this was his letter of his name. We also read our J story- Jaguar’s Jungleberry Jamboree. After our story, we practiced our sound and sign. Then because we had time leftover we played some more!
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