Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tuesday November 9th- #4 day



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At table time, we worked on our scissor skills. We can always use more practice in this area. Please make sure that your child is pointing their thumb to the sky though so they are using the scissors correctly. The easy way to cut for the kids is to point their thumb down to the ground but then they have no control of the scissors. Thanks for your help with this!
Upstairs we played with beads, books and animals. They get very creative with the items they have available. We also have a new friend with us in class- Payten! The kids were following her around trying to get to know her better. With a small class, changes are always interesting. We also worked with the number 4 with Miss Alisha’s help.
At circle time, Garrett was my star and he helped with colors, shapes and dressing our weather friend at weather time. We continued with Gilbert Goat and even practiced Farrah Fox because we only had one day to work on both of those friends. For snack we had a special treat because it was Audrey’s birthday! Her mom brought in cupcakes and we also had a fun snack of grapes and graham crackers that I broke into four pieces from Garrett! Thanks moms for your efforts for the kids- they really enjoyed it!
We are working on a thanksgiving book so we colored two pages for it and then we were on to learning about the number four. We sang our numeral song and practiced our numbers up to four in the air then we practiced our Spanish. Cuatro is four in Spanish- I will be practicing more of our Spanish numbers at calendar time. We put four apples in our number jars and we read our number four poem. It was about animals with four legs and we discussed which animals have four legs. We went back to the table and colored four friends with four toothbrushes and we gave each friend one.
For alphabet time, we practiced our letters “F” and “G” sounds and signs and got a lowercase “G” on our hands.
This was our quick day- next week it will be back to normal with two days and then back to a single day with the next week! Our month is flying by!

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