Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wednesday December 8th- #9 day

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At table time, we practiced our names. You can have your child do this at home to with the name practice on the front of their folders with a dry erase marker. Upstairs we played with lacing cards, beads and big plastic blocks. The plastic blocks became guns and they were all super heroes saving the day. While they played, I had each child come over and practice the number nine with me. “A circle and a line make the number nine” is the chant that I was telling them when we made the number. We also did some paint dots on another sheet- giving a fly nine flies. Please work with your child on counting items- having them touch each one as they count it. We are getting incorrect answers and not doing the projects correctly because we are not counting correctly. Thanks for your help in this.
Benjamin helped me with circle time and we practiced our counting on the calendar- we rang jingle bells on the date so we recognize it. We sang days of the week and months of the year songs then we had Benjamin do the weather for us. We practiced Z by buzzing around the room like the flies that we just painted.
After snack time (Zingers from Benjamin) we had book time. When we were all done with that, we read our nine poem and did some math with our links finding all the ways we could make the number nine. We sang our numeral song making our numbers in the air. After that, we went to the table to complete our nine flies and do some counting on our nine practice sheet. I sent home a #9 practice sheet so your child can get more practice.
For letter time, I had them find the matching zebras and then color Zach Zebra on the backs. After sound and sign practice again, we were done for the day and the week!

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