Friday, September 2, 2011

Tuesday April 26th- White day

The students started the day with scissor practice and then I had babies, little legos and foam blocks for the children to play with. Claire was my star and helped me with circle time routine. After calendar, we met our letter friend- Zach Zebra and how he has a toy zebra that he loves to play with and zippers on his jacket. We each found zippers on our clothing and then discovered the sound that the zipper makes is also the sound of the letter Z. We all sang to our Z song and made the sign for the letter Z- making a Z in the air with our pointer finger. After I reviewed the sound with each child, I gave them their stamp early. Then I read them some words that start with the letter Z. The list was very small. After we practiced our letter, we wiggled, ate our snacks and then explored our April books for the last time. Claire shared her show and tell and then we worked on our Nursery rhyme of the month- Little Bo Peep since today would be the last day we could. Each child colored puppets for the rhyme and then we practiced singing the song with the puppets.
For our lesson on the color white, I read the white poem to them and then we started to discuss all the things that are white in our world. I wanted them to get a good idea of the color white so that they could choose something to draw for their white book which we made at the table after the discussion. Each student practiced their names, colored something that was the color white (with a pencil because white crayons don’t work on white paper) and then they cut out the pictures of the white things on the books. The items were a cloud and a little lamb and then they glued the pictures in the right part of their books. After they finished, I had them go right into coloring the word WHITE with their white crayons. This was futile since you can’t see white crayon on white paper but they had a great go of it and you can see the white coloring on the black outline of the word WHITE. They always want to use the color white but we can only use it in special times- on dark paper so we can see it.
For letter time, I started with our Z story about “Zach the Lazy Zebra” which is a different Zach than our letter friend. No matter how hard the zookeepers tried to get Zach not to sleep they just couldn’t do it- he was too lazy! For our letter practice, we colored our Z page that had a zipper and a zebra on it. We were excited because this was our last letter of the alphabet- we made it through A-Z! Once we were though with practice we cleaned up and were done for the day!

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