Friday, September 2, 2011

Wednesday April 27th- Creatures under the sea


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Downstairs we practiced our names- first and last. Please have your child practice at home so that they can master their last names as well before the start of Kindergarten. Upstairs I had Mr. Potato Head, big plastic blocks and tinker toys to play with. Zach continued to help with circle time responsibilities and we have started to really practice and fine tune our skills for our graduation.
After wiggle time, we had a fun snack- hot dog octopuses, ketchup and carrots- thanks Donna! A great way to get started with our theme of the day- creatures of the ocean. Zach shared his show and tell and then we went into story time- “Way down deep in the deep blue sea”. It showcased many of the animals that we would be discussing in class today. I reviewed the following- lobster, sea urchin, swordfish, shark, manta ray and a giant squid. For each one I had a song and facts to review the animal.
Afterwards we came to the table to color our lobster and add on its “claws” (Clothespins). Each child colored and cut the lobster out and then all the match up shapes to go along with the lobster. The goal with this activity was to review our shapes and match the correct ones together. It is also great way to work with their fine motor skills in pinching the clothespin together to open it up for the shapes.
I sent the urchin spines number worksheet home for extra practice since we were off of class on Friday.
We practiced our sight words that we have learned as well as reviewing “man”. Once we finished up, we were done for the week.

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