Friday, September 2, 2011

Wednesday May 4th- Eric Carle Day

Each student practiced their first and last names and then proceeded upstairs to play with cars, trucks, links, babies and puzzles. I took each child aside today to ask them questions about their mothers for the mother’s day questionnaire and I painted their hand for our strawberry cards for Mother’s day.
Campbell was my star today and helped me with circle time duties. After circle time, we continued to review the word “the” and then we practiced our poem of the month. After that, we wiggled, ate our snacks and explored all of the new books that we have for the month of May.
Today was Eric Carle day and I wanted to highlight this author because many of the books that I have shared and love come from him or he has illustrated many other books. I shared a picture of Eric Carle with the class and then showed them all the books (that I have) from him. I read the class “Does a kangaroo have a mother too?” in honor of mother’s day coming up but we have read “The Hungry Little Caterpillar”, “The Grouchy Ladybug” and “Mister Seahorse” at different times during the year.
To review our days of the week, we complete a printing practice of the days going along with the “The Hungry Little Caterpillar” book. As we wrote each day, we talked about what the caterpillar ate that day. Once we were completed, we got packed up for our next Eric Carle segment. I sent home the sequenced set of all the items that the little caterpillar ate for a fun practice at home. Once bags we packed, we went downstairs for an Eric Carle movie time. I have a few of his books on DVD which the kids seemed to really enjoy- The Hungry Little Caterpillar, Papa bring the moon to me, The Mixed Up Chameleon, and the Quiet Little Cricket. I made them popcorn and we had a fun time watching the books instead of them just being read to us!

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