Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Thursday March 31st- Purple





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I had each child practice their names first and then we went upstairs to play with our purple play dough. After they were done playing with that, I brought out animals and babies to play with. They enjoyed playing with these for the remainder of the time. Tyler helped us with color time after we sang and said our Pledge. Calendar time was fun because it was the last day of the month. We were saying goodbye to March and to Audrey, our friend in class- we wouldn’t be seeing them next time we came to class.  We reviewed the date, counted, sang and danced. We practiced Hickory, Dickory Dock for the last time.
For letter time, we talked about Wally Walrus and practiced the sound and sign again. We wiggled, ate our snack and looked at the March books one last time. Tyler shared his show and tell and then we were on to our lesson on the color purple. We first found purple on our clothes- if some of us didn’t have some on, they got a sticker. But we wanted to share so everyone got a purple sticker. I reviewed how to make the color purple by adding red and blue together. I wanted to read Purplicious or Harold and the Purple Crayon or Lilly’s Plastic Purple Purse BUT I had packed them in the April library books and couldn’t find them for class so these would be great books to review the color purple.  I found these books on Friday when I got the April books out- one day late!
For our science experiment, I had some red and blue finger paint in a cup separated. Each child mixed them together to make purple and then they made “grapes” on a vine with their fingertips. They also had to color the word purple with a purple crayon. Then with that purple crayon, they wrote their names and colored something purple on their purple books. They cut out their purple pictures and then they had to find the correct pictures and I gave them a dot of glue and they attached them to the book.
For letter time, we talked about “W” and learned how to print it- always working down. Each child practiced this letter on their own and if they needed some guidance, I was there to help. They colored their pictures and I did an individual practice of the sound with each child and then gave them the “w” stamp in purple.
We all gave hugs to Audrey and let her know that we were going to miss her bunches and we were done for the week!

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