Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday March 30th- ladybugs and ants


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To start our day, I had all the students practice their first and last names 4 times and then upstairs I had Mr. Potato Head and big plastic blocks waiting for them to play with. Ethan helped with our letter review- this time we had to practice our signs to the letters too. I will be practicing the signs with them as it is something that we want to share at our Preschool Graduation. Circle time started with our Rise and Shine song and the Pledge and then we learn about our date. I have the students repeat the date with me and then I review the date that was yesterday and tomorrow. From there we count, sing and dance all the skills we have learned this year so far. Our class practiced our sight words and a new word- “this”. I did a review like I did on Monday with individual practice-this time they could pick the word they knew and tell me it. Ethan picked our wiggle song. We had our snack and then some book time. Ethan shared his show and tell and then I started the lesson with a few books. We read The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle and then Grub to Ladybug to show the life cycle of the ladybug. At the table, each child cut our pictures of the 4 cycles of a lady bug’s life and had to put them in order from egg to grub to pupa and then to ladybug! They did a great job. After that, each child colored their own lady bug and had to give it spots. They had to count the spots they made and then write the number. For ants, we read 100 Hungry Little Ants which is a great math story. Afterwards, we discuss the life cycle of the ant and how it is similar to other insects.
For letter time, we played Letter of the week bingo. I have two sets of cards- ones with pictures and ones without. We used the pictures but on Friday we will just be using the letters.

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