Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday April13th- Earth Day







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I was allowing a big painting project for Emma’s teacher dry on the downstairs table so we came upstairs for name practice. After that the kids played with Lincoln logs, foam blocks and nuts and bolts. Nya was our star and she chose to do our review of colors and shapes on the board. Circle time was great and we reviewed our new sight word “a” and we practiced the letter Y’s sounds with our song and sign. Wiggle time was followed with snacks, books and show and tell.
For our lesson on Earth day, I read “I can take care of the environment”. We discussed what “environment” means and how the characters in the story took care of theirs. I then read “Big World, Little Me” and in that book it gave simple ways for children to help keep our earth clean. For table time, we colored the earth with blue and green and then I asked each child how they were going to help the earth. I wrote this on the little note and then they glued this on to the back of their Earth after they cut it out. While we were coloring I played the song –“3 is magical number” by Jack Johnson from the Curious George soundtrack. It sings all about reduce, reuse and recycling. They were rocking out and it has a great message.
Once we were completed with that, we come back to our carpets and I read the Y story about the young Yak who yelled “YUCK”- a great story to promote trying new foods instead of saying it is gross before you try it. After we read the story we reviewed our sign and sounds for the letter Y and got a stamp if we wanted it. Downstairs we watched an episode of Curious George about recycling and how to do it correctly. I made the kids some popcorn and it was a simple way to teach about Earth day and some thing we can do to help the Earth.

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