Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mon Nov 7- Exploring art techniques and styles

At table time, I had them do their P practice on their own and color the page. They are getting better at this. Upstairs, we played with Lincoln logs, play dough, and lacing cards. I also measured them and stamped their handprints for our monthly binder sheet. For circle time, our star helped with circle time. They helped with pointing to our colors, shapes and dressing our weather person. We popped like popcorn counting to 15. We also met our new letter friend- Petey Porcupine who likes to paint pictures. He also likes the colors pink and purple and to eat pineapple. We practiced the sound “P” like popping popcorn and the sign. This is the hardest sign for kids to make- it isn’t easy. We will continue to practice though. After snacks, we did the star’s show and tell and practiced our monthly poem- The Turkey. For our class, I wanted to do a variety of different art techniques with the kids. First we talked about different kinds of art and materials that artists use. We made our Native American headbands using stamps. These came home with your child. We also colored our title page to our Brown Turkey book for Thanksgiving. For letter time, I read If you give a Pig a Pancake. We practiced our sig n and sound for the letter P again. We completed our V vase from last week by adding our flowers. They got “P” stamped and they were off.

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