Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thurs Nov 17-Square

We started the day with scissor practice and then went upstairs to play with little people and big blocks. I pulled the kids aside two times today- once to practice the letter I and all of them did it on their own and the other time to practice our shape of the day- the square. Aspen helped with circle time and we learned up to J on our ABC song. We practiced the letter I again- reviewing both sounds. We wiggled, ate snacks and Aspen shared two picture books of hers. We completed another page to our Brown Turkey book and then we started our lesson on squares. I read “What is Square?” to the class and each child had a change to find two different squares amongst other shapes in the book. After that, I had them come and decorate their square with little squares- each of their art pieces were very colorful and it was a good chance to work with glue. I had the students come back to their rectangles and we reviewed what a square it- four sides, four angles and all the sides are the same size. We then went back to the table and we completed another page about how a block can be a square and they pasted squares on top of each to look like blocks and then they colored the page. For letter time, I reviewed the sounds for the letter I and I stamped each hand with the lowercase I and a square. For the last few minutes, I had Aspen pick out a book and we read – Dora’s Thanksgiving and we discussed who we are grateful for in our lives and our class was complete!


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