Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tues Oct 18- triangle

We practiced our names downstairs and then I took each child aside to practice triangles during playtime- they did a really great job. Our letter of the week was F and we talked about words that start with “F” and the sound they make. We already knew our sound from our ABC song we have been learning. I also showed the difference between the letters “E” and “F”. “F” has no legs on the bottom to help him- we also observed that the lowercase f looks just like a candy cane with arms. For our triangle time, we talked about triangles and how many sides and angels that they have. I read the book “What is a triangle?” and each child found triangles at the end of the story. We also decorated our triangle sheet with our triangle stamps and triangle foam stickers. They colored a sheet of how a flag can be a triangle and they glued their flags to the flagpoles. I also took pictures of your children as triangles that I will post on the blog. For “F” time, I read the students- “Fifi Ferret’s flute” and how all her friends- Frog, Fox, Fawn, Flamingo and Fish helped her save her flute from the falls! Each child got a frog sticker for good behavior and I gave them the capital F stamp on their hands as we practiced the sounds. Each child also had triangle tracing homework to complete and return.
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