Monday, February 28, 2011

Thursday February 3rd- Yellow day

For practice time, we traced our names and then went upstairs for some yellow fun. I made each child a ball of yellow playdough and they played with that for all of 10 minutes. Then they were off to my yellow stations. I had gotten out all the yellow toys I could find- big plastic blocks, duplos, links, beads, and nuts and bolts. I think each child played in each area- I hope they enjoyed it. I noticed that many of the children were wearing yellow on Tuesday instead of today so I gave each of them a yellow bus sticker with a yellow sun so that they could be wearing the color. I also took measurements of all the students for our All about me- February page and asked them the questions on it- Who is your favorite valentine and what is your favorite food this month.
Kate helped us once again with colors and shapes and we were on to calendar time. We were still learning about our new month- February. I reviewed the holidays- especially Chinese New Year which was today. I showed them a globe and where we were and where China is. I talked about the holiday and some things that they do to celebrate their new year. We counted to 15- jiggling bells on the 3rd to celebrate the New Year, sang days of the week and had fun with the weather. We continued to practice the letter P and its sound by popping like popcorn. I am trying to incorporate gross motor skills with our daily routine so we can improve in these areas. After wiggling and snack time, it was on to learning about the color yellow. We discussed things around our classroom and the world that are yellow. At table time, we completed our yellow books and then started working on our corn on the cob project. Each child colored their corn on the cob- yellow for the corn and green for the stock. Then we painted…with glue. They did a great job. I gave each child a little cup of popcorn kernels and they glued them on their corn. I think they had a great time and it was another way to work on our fine motor skills as the pinched the kernels to place them on the cob. We allowed that to dry on the table and we came and took a seat on our carpet rectangles. I read our P story- the Pigs Picnic that we missed on Tuesday. I practiced the P sound with each child as I gave them their stamp and we were finished for the week.

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