Monday, February 28, 2011

Tuesday February 1st- Number 7

We did our scissor practice at the table downstairs. We are continuing to improve on our fine motor skills. Upstairs we played with the food, baby dolls, and my big trucks. I was pulling each child aside to practice tracing the number 7. Kate was our star this week and she helped with our color and shapes practice. At calendar time, we were so excited to see our calendar changed from January to February. We talked about the all the holidays during the month. We counted to 15 and practiced our Spanish to 7. For letter time, we met Petey Porcupine and saw that he likes to eat pineapple and paint with pink paint. We practiced our sound by popping like popcorn- they were so cute! I showed them the sign of the letter P but it is the most difficult letter in the sign alphabet so I didn’t try to push them. We are just developing our fine motor skills and sometimes our sweet little fingers can’t make the signs :) After alphabet boogie and wiggle time, we had a wonderful treat! Tyler had celebrated his birthday on the 31st, so Liesa brought Krispy Kreme doughnuts for all the kids. They were in heaven- hopefully your didn’t have a sugared up kid for the rest of the day :) We sang Happy Birthday to him and had a great time at snack time. Afterwards, we learned more about Kate- thanks Jeannette for completing her journal. It is always fun to see the similarities in the children. Kate like Dora and all the kids agreed and we so excited to know that she likes Dora too. We also passed around her show and tell. They loved the potty that flushed.
For practicing the number 7, we read our seven poem about the colors of the rainbow. After that, we sang our numeral song that helps us to know how to write the numbers. We write them in the air- It is a great way to use our bodies to learn. We went over the table and put seven heart stickers in the jar on our worksheets. For our big seven project, we colored seven people and seven pets (both start with “P”) and we glued them together. This one took some time. I was doing it in parts and some of my friends are faster artists than the others :) Because of this, we missed out on reading our P story for letter time. Instead we read some words that begin with the letter P. We practiced the sound of P again, got our stamp and we were done for Tuesday!

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