Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fri Feb 10th- #13

Students started the day with printing the upper and lowercase N and then they played with magnetic shapes, shape puzzles and cars and trucks. I pulled each student aside to work on the number 13- teaching how to print it and say it in Spanish- trece. The number 3 is a harder number to print and some of my students needed extra help. We also did some one on one counting as we counted strips on flags-one activity on the worksheet. We found that the United States flag has 13 strips We had a fun day today with wearing our pajamas to go along with our letter friend Night! Gage helped the class review their colors and shapes and then the class blast off counting, Spanish to 13 and then we ninja chopped and kicked to 29. We reviewed our date and sang our songs. I introduced our new sight word Sis, who is a snake in the books. Some of my students are progressing so well with these books- keep it up! I did individual sight word practice with each child- asking them the word individually. If they didn’t know it, we would sound it out together. We also reviewed Nancy Nurse and the animal noises she liked. The students had to guess what sounds I was making- it was fun times! Gage picked our wiggle song and then we had snacks, book time and show and tell. To ready us for Valentine’s day- I read the story “The Best Thing about Valentines” to the class and then I talked to them about what we would do on Monday. For our lesson today we were focusing on the number 13. We practiced counting in English and Spanish to 13. We also did some finger stamping today- giving each rooster 13 corn kernels. We had a hard time listening on this activity- some of the kids were really excited and had a hard time not painting more than they should  For letter time, we made our letter N friend- Night! Afterwards, we reviewed our sign and sound to the letter N. We also had time to play letter bingo. They had to search for the letter and picture on their bingo cards. We had fun ending the week with a game.

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