Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mon Jan 30th-Dental health

Mondays always start with name practice- first and last and then they were on to playing with transformers, star wars characters, and magnetic dolls. I pulled the students aside to work on our sight word- me and Mat. Ella helped with reviewing all of our letters we have learned so far. Calendar time involves counting to 31 doing disco, blasting off and practicing our Spanish numbers. We said goodbye to January as we would be in new month when we came back to school. The students sang and we reviewed our new sight words and letter signs. After snacks and the last time with our January books, Ella shared gumballs with the class and we started our lesson with a story- The night before the tooth fairy came. February is dental health month so I wanted to focus on this theme. We did a discussion on what things are good for our teeth and what is bad. I showed them how to brush their teeth in a circular motion and we talked about the dentist. I had all the students practice brushing on my big teeth models and I showed them how floss works. At the table, we did a toothbrush counting worksheet. They had to find the correct number and glue it next to the number. For letter time, we played Letter of the week bingo with Cookie monster to review our letters. They did a great job! We reviewed all of our sight words and we had completed our day.

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