Thursday, August 2, 2012

Wed Mar 21st- Frogs & their life cycle

Our day started with scissor practice- curvy lines and then the students played with beads, star wars and transformers and Mr. Potato Head. Brooklyn was back so she helped with color word practice and spelling. I had the star pick out the action for counting up to 31, practiced our Spanish to 17 and tens to 100. For calendar time, we reviewed the date and sang the days of the week in Spanish and continued to practice our first four months in Spanish. Weather time was our spring song and the class helping with figuring out what weather we were having. Letter time starts with booging to the ABCs and then we started working on our ABCs in sign language. After that, we reviewed our sight words of the week. Brooklyn picked our song to wiggle to and then we ate snacks and looked at books. Brooklyn shared her show and tell and then we went right into our theme of the day. I read the book- A tadpole grows up and we discussed the life cycle of the frog throughout. We did a puzzle together showing the cycles- each child picked out a puzzle piece and they had to put it where it belonged. Once we finished it, we read The Big Wide-Mouthed Frog and how he escaped the alligator. At the table, the students colored a pond diagram where it showed the life cycle of the frog in the pond. After they finished coloring that, they colored 5 different sized frogs. They cut them out and then had to put them in the right order according to their size- smallest to largest. For letter time, we word whammed the sight words again with some –at words that we learned two weeks ago. Once we completed those, we cleaned up and were finished for the day.

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