Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thurs Feb 2nd- yellow day

Thursday start off with scissor practice and then the children played with yellow items- play dough, links, nuts and bolts and big blocks. I also had puppets out to go along with our letter p. I pulled the children aside to work on the letter P- printing it in upper and lower case and its sound. Logan helped the students with starting to learn the names of the colors- recognizing R-E-D for red and so on. We counted to 20 like a pirate and also blasted off like space ships and practiced our Spanish to 7. I introduced the new month- February and Groundhog’s day. I talked about the day and we had a vote if the groundhog saw his shadow or not- unfortunately he did and we have another 6 weeks of winter!! The class sang and danced and we reviewed our letter P and had a great snack from Logan. We explored our new bookshelf full of books about planets, Valentines, and love. Logan shared her show and tell and I taught the class our new nursery rhyme of the month- Hey Diddle Diddle. We sang it together with the song and then we went to the table to color the booklet. I then played the song over and over again so the children could get used the words and the tune. After we completed it, I put them in their folders and then we were on to the lesson of the day- the color yellow. I gave all the students a bumble bee sticker so all of us would be wearing yellow. After which, we talked about things around us that are yellow. I sang a song about yellow dandelions and the bright sunshine and then we all went to the table to complete our color book. Everyone wrote their names in yellow crayon and drew a picture with their crayon. I forgot to put these in their folders so you will see them Tuesday- sorry! For another yellow activity, each child colored an ear of corn – yellow for the kernels and green for the leaves. Then I covered the corn kernel area with glue and they sprinkled popcorn all over it- So cute!! Once the class completed that project, we came to our rectangles and reviewed the letter P- how it is printed and what sound it makes. I gave them each a stamp and then we cleaned up and headed over to our special P activity- the park! Tuesday would have been warmer- oh well. They had a great time.

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