Thursday, August 2, 2012

Wed Mar 28th- Other garden creatures

This Wednesday started with scissor practice of curvy lines. I had foam blocks, trains and magnetic letters out to play with. Ella helped with our color word review and then the class wiggled like a worm to 31. We also counted by 10s to 100- I call it the chicka chicka 123 tree. We worked on our calendar time with singing in Spanish on our days and months and reviewing the date. Ella helped with weather time after we sang our Spring song. Letter time we reviewed the letter W and our sight words man and Nan. I went more into detail with the –an word family and all the words you can make with the ending –an. The class wiggled, ate snacks and explored the books. Ella shared her show and tell and I started our lesson about garden creatures. I read a fun book-“What can it be” and they had to guess what creature it was with a part of a picture and poem about it. We first discussed worms and if we had ever touched one or seen one before. Many of the kids hadn’t. Worms are very beneficial to the garden and I shared some facts about the worm. For the spider, we reviewed what makes an insect- 3 parts of the body and 6 legs. A spider only has two parts and 8 legs so a spider is not an insect. We discussed facts about the spider and then talked a bit about frogs and turtles. For our art project, the students went to the table to color a spider to take home. They had to cut and glue it themselves. To review, I sent home the W page with red and brown coloring and they had to find the worms. For letter time, we practiced the sound and sign for W and I stamped each child’s hand as we reviewed the sound together. Then we started with word whamming our –an word families with each child getting to pick out one letter to add to the –an ending. They had to tell me what letter they picked and its sound then we added the letter to see the word we created. For the last 20 minutes of class, we walked over to the park to let our butterflies go. The kids loved seeing them take off and start their journey in nature.

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