Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fri Jan 20th- places people shop

We started our great Friday with Q practice and played with Lincoln logs, littlest pet shop and puzzles. Many of us passed off our poem of the Our star helped with letter review and weather time. We counted like a queen to 31 and then did blastoff counting. For letter time, we practiced our sign and sound to the letter Q and then boogied to the “QU” song. After snacks, book time and show and tell, our star picked out a book for me to read to the class. Then we got into our lesson on places people shop. I took a poll of the places the kids shop with you then we pretended to shop ourselves. I set up an area with food and household items and I gave each child three “dollars”. They could only buy three items and sometimes we came up to the check out with more. Then they had to decide what to get rid of. Each child also had the chance to be the cahier with the cash register. They had to count and scan each item and then collect the money. All the kids had fun with this activity. For Q time, the students each made a Q quail friend. They turned out quite cute! We danced to “QU” again and each child got the lowercase q on their hand and I practiced the sign and sound with each one.

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