Thursday, August 2, 2012

Tues Mar 27th- oval

Our class started with name practice. Please continue to practice at home with your child allowing them to write their name with or without your help as often as possible. Having this skill will allow them to work on other areas next year. I had with puzzles, littlest pet shop, lacing cards and color bears to play with. I pulled each child aside to work on our shape of the day- the oval. Anthony helped with circle time reviewing our color cards. We counted to 27 (the date) like we were swimming in “w”ater. We also practiced our blastoff counting. Afterwards we had calendar time with our songs and weather time with our spring song and help from Anthony. Letter time we talked about the letter W- its sound and how it is printed. I talked about our letter friend- Worm who pulls his wagon full of walnuts. We would get to know him better during our story at letter time. We sang the song a few times and then I talked about some words that begin with the letter W. Anthony picked the wiggle song and then we had snack time. Today the students got to explore our April books in the library area. I pulled each child aside to do oval stamping as it would be hard to keep the students together on a painting activity like this. After they all completed their page, Anthony shared his show and tell with the class. We practiced our nursery rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock because this is the last month of the week- have to make sure we have it all memorized. For oval time, we traced ovals in the air to review how we make them. I showed them their oval art and talked to them how an oval is made. I also discussed that no matter what direction the oval is in, it is always an oval. I showed them pictures and household items that are oval shaped so they recognize that ovals are all around us. I had them come to the table and color a worksheet- an oval is a dish. After we completed that, we worked on letter time. We practiced our sound for the letter W and sang the song. I stamped each child’s hand. We read our story about Worm’s wagon. For the last 20 minutes of class, we walked over to the park to let our butterflies go. The kids loved seeing them take off and start their journey in nature.

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