Thursday, August 2, 2012

Tues May 8th- number review day

Today we began with name review- they each practice on top of the dashed practice and then they have to write their name on their own. The kids played with wooden blocks, magnetic dolls and little legos. I pulled the students aside in teams of 2 to paint a project for father’s day. Molly was our star and she helped as we reviewed our numbers from 0-10. I was so happy with their retention! We counted to 20 as we pretended to play baseball. The class also reviewed our Spanish and blastoff counting. From here, I switched things up as we have started to review for the program so we practiced and afterwards we wiggled and ate snacks. It was a long snack time cause the kids were slowpokes so we had a short book time and went right into Molly’s show and tell. For our lesson on numbers 1-10, I began with reading “Chicka, Chicka 1, 2, 3” to the students. Zero finally get the opportunity to go up the apple tree and help 10 become 100. I talked to them about 100 and we have to get there. To review how to write our numbers, our class gets up and sings the Numeral song which has the students drawing the numbers in the air. Once the song was over, I read the book- “Numbers” to them. We counted each animal group(s) from 1 to 10 as a class. I sent home a page to practice their numbers 1-5 and coloring. Once we completed our book, we went into my living room to watch Leap Frog’s Math Circus. I wanted to have them watch Numbers Ahoy! But my Netflix wasn’t working out. We practiced counting and singing our colors song and we were done for the day.

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