Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fri Feb 17th- Presidents day

Our last day of the week is always letter printing practice. We reviewed the letter Rr and then played with foam blocks, trains, Lincoln Logs, coin rubbings and nuts and bolts. I pulled each child aside to have them stamp stars on their 3 corner hat in honor of President Washington. Garrett helped with color and shape review and then the class blast off counting, Spanish to 13 and then we rowed a boat like we were going over the Delaware River like Pres. Washington to 29. We reviewed our date and sang our songs. I did individual sight word practice with the class- calling on a student and then showing them the word. If they are having a hard time, I review the sounds and we work through it together. We practiced our ABC song and I added the signs we have learned this year- I was impressed that they could keep up! We wiggled, ate snacks and explored our February library books. For class time, I discussed our two presidents that we celebrate on Presidents day and their birthdays. I read a My First Biography of George Washington and we talked some highlights of his life. The class then went to the table to color a picture of George. After we completed that, we read a story called Abe Lincoln- the boy who loved books. This was a longer story so I sent home the Abraham Lincoln coloring page for fun. For letter time, each student colored their rabbit by the river worksheet that we had completed on Wednesday and then each student created their R letter friend- the rabbit! Once all the students finished we reviewed our sign, sound and sight words of the week then we were off for a long weekend!

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