Thursday, August 2, 2012

Wed Feb 8th- Dependability

Today started with scissor practice and then I had a few activities for the students to participate in- Mr. Potato Head, beads and animals out to explore. Ella helped us with spelling our color words and then we counted to 25 in our noisiest voices. Yikes! It was noisy!! Then I have started to teach counting by 10’s like in the book Chicka Chicka 123. We have the 10s going up the tree to 100. Have your child try to do it for you. Afterwards, we had calendar time with our songs, weather review and letter N/sight word time. Gage picked out wiggle song and then we had snack time. Each child explores our books after snacks and then Gage shared his show and tell. For our lesson, we talked about dependability. This was a class discussion day. We talked about farmers and how they have many jobs on a farm and how they have to follow through with their assignments or there can be problems. I had them think about how they are dependable at home and what it means to be dependable. I urged them that they might be more dependable when they are asked to do something at home. I sent home a poster with a dependability poem on it which talks more about what we chatted about in class. For letter time, we talked about animal noises and found those animals that are noisy. On the back of the worksheet, the students colored the letter N and Nancy Nurse. I reviewed the sound with each child as I stamped their hand and then we had time to finish our day with a Fancy Nancy story.

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